I want a peaceful world! There I’ve said it… I don’t know about you but I am fed up with our supposedly sophisticated world. The madness… The constant hustle… the busyness… the striving… it all ends in our feeling restless, unworthy, impatient, anxious and not enough! Which makes us fearful…. Fearful people create a fearful world don’t you think?
I want a peaceful world… and a peaceful world needs peaceful people.
So what makes a person ‘peaceful’? My observation and understanding is a person who is happy with their lot. They live an uncomplicated life in as much as they live life completely authentically and in accordance to their own truth. They are not swayed by the masses or the latest trends… they know what they like, what they believe and what their heart-led life looks like. They pursue what they want in a way that does not undermine or distract others. They accept what is, and hold their goals loosely. That is to say they have a vision and a goal but allow for serendipity to intervene and create something even better and usually completely unexpected!
Do you have a vision and a goal? is your destination set? Or to put it another way do you know what your intentions for your life are? Have you set your intentions for this year? for the next 5 years?
Intentions are loosely held goals and objectives. They can include the things we would like in our lives such as ‘stuff’; homes, holidays, jobs, partners, family etc. but they can also include the ‘states’ of being we would like to (mostly) live in, such as love, peace, joy, contentment and happiness etc.
Most of us are really quite used to setting intentions and knowing what we would like to manifest and materialise. It kind of goes hand in hand with the law of attraction right?!… We set our intentions and then we ‘wait’ for the universe to deliver it to us. Sometimes she does, and sometimes we end up repeating our intentions. ‘If only I had ‘x’ then I would be happy’ and this is where living intentionally comes into play…
I truly believe once we set our heart felt intentions, the universe conspires to deliver them to us IF we take the action required to achieve them. And if we are not yet able to hold the size of the goal, the universe trains us until we can.
Sometimes she may send people that test us and drive us crazy!
She may send challenges that scare us half to death!
She may send situations that help us get clear on what we truly want, and not just what we think we should want. Meaning we have to be open to change and not stubbornly keep going down a path that isn’t right for us…
And when this happens life can be challenging.
If this has happened to you, and you have changed course, rather than stay and face the challenge then this may be why you are not manifesting your visions and goals. So what do you need to do instead?
I believe that the universe always delivers to you exactly what you need in order to train you to hold exactly what you want. Read that again…
Which means the universe will bring people and situations to shape you and change you in order to help you become the version of yourself that you want to be. And in this place you must face each day, each person, each challenge mindfully and with full attention.
So how do you stay present and live with intention on a daily basis?
One way is to use the Intention Angel . These little hollow sculptures were created so that we could commune with the universe. Having a physical object to focus on everyday and be reminded of what we want can enable us to see our daily challenges as training from the universe. As we face our challenges we can ask our Intention Angel to help us face them.
When we are being developed and moved out of our comfort zone by the universe then we are going to be in new territory. This might make us feel anxious but know that if this is happening to you then it is a great sign that you are being shaped for better things.
Rather than retreat from the challenges, we need to view our situation with new eyes. We need to sit with our Intention Angel and ask ourselves
- What am I being made to face head on?
- What am I being asked to change?
- What is this challenge teaching me?
- What am I being asked to let go of?
- What am I being asked to accept?
- How can I respond differently?
- Is discernment required?
- How are my boundaries in this situation
- What emotions are arising? and what do I need to face and finally address?
Each question here is to help you bring into the light your deeply held fears and beliefs that may have prevented you achieving your goals in the past.
When you realise what is underlying you can write it down and surrender it and hand it over to your Intention Angel.
And I believe this is the way to live intentionally. It is a spiritual way to live and very different to the life of convenience we are encouraged to follow… sometimes the path of least resistance is not the way to achieve something worthwhile and meant just for us.
I truly believe living with intention everyday may not minimise our challenges but it will bring us more into alignment with who we are and with that comes an inner knowing and an inner peace.
A peaceful world needs peaceful people.
In peace, Karrin
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